Estate Giving

Leave a legacy that lasts forever through the Duluth Superior Area Community Foundation!
Giving through estate planning includes:
Bequests allow donors to control their assets during their lifetimes while
supporting the community for generations to come. A bequest can be a
specific dollar amount, a percent of assets or the remainder assets after other bequests have been exhausted. The Community Foundation can help with drafting language. -
Charitable Remainder Trusts provide a steady income for life, offer an immediate tax deduction and leave a legacy of community support.
Charitable Lead Trusts enable donors to make significant charitable contributions today and to transfer the remainder to beneficiaries later.
Retirement Plans can offer tax advantages as donations. You can reduce your taxes and make a difference by making a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) from your IRA. While donor advised funds are not eligible to receive QCDs per IRS regulations, there are many other options at the Community Foundation for you to consider including:
– Community Opportunity Fund, our unrestricted fund that strives to meet the urgent and ever-changing needs of the community.
– Designated Funds support the extraordinary work of specified nonprofit organizations.
– Field of Interest Funds support a wide variety of needs through impactful grant-making.
– Scholarship Funds assist students of all ages in northeast MN and northwest WI in furthering their education and achieving their goals.
– Organizational Endowed Funds provide long-term support for a specified nonprofit organization.
To learn more about giving options at the Duluth Superior Area Community Foundation, click HERE, or contact Development Director, Jessica Peterson: [email protected] or 218-520-1120.