Unity fund

The Unity Fund of the Duluth Superior Area Community Foundation is a community-led effort to build, strengthen and create opportunities for advancement in African Heritage communities through action, engagement and education.

The Unity Fund serves as a catalyst to remove social and racial barriers to African American communities’
opportunity to participate fully in, and contribute to, the social and economic life of Duluth, Superior and the Iron Range.

The Unity Fund was created by the Duluth Superior Area Community Foundation, the Ordean Foundation and Generations Health Care Initiatives. The committee is made up of African-heritage individuals from the Duluth area and the Iron Range.

Deyona Kirk, founder of the nonprofit Divine Konnections and Annie’s House of R & R, is the first recipient of a grant from the Unity Fund. The nonprofit provides housing and wraparound services to homeless young mothers in Duluth, MN.

Unity Fund Grants Awarded in 2024:

Unity Fund Grants Awarded in 2023:

Unity Fund Priority Areas include:

  • Economic and social stability through home ownership.
  • Development of local emerging and innovative businesses.
  • Preservation of African Heritage contributions to the region, past and present.
  • Eliminate health disparities through access and education.
  • Career development and educational support for traditional and non-traditional students.

    A stronger, more equitable community grows economic vitality and opportunities for everyone. Your contribution supports opportunities for African Heritage families to grow and prosper across the Northland.

Learn more about Unity Fund