Duluth Public Schools Fund

Duluth Public Schools Fund

Duluth Public Schools Endowment Fund

2024 Grant Application Guidelines


$500 to $2,000 grants awarded annually to Duluth Public School staff for projects that enhance learner growth. This process has not changed.

New: Despite the heroic efforts by educators, we are well aware that remote learning has caused many students to become disengaged or suffer academically. Therefore, for this year only, a $500 to $5,000 grant may be awarded to buildings for endeavors that seek to meet the needs of this student population in the area of mental health.

When: Applications are due by March 1, 2024 at 5pm for projects to take place beginning as soon as projects are awarded and approved by the School Board. Our goal is for approval to take place during the April Board meeting. Projects can then be implemented any time between May of 2024 through June of 2025. Grants to individual teachers for their classroom will continue to follow the recipient if s/he switches to another Duluth school. It can also be transferred to their replacement if for any reason they leave district employment.


  • Focus on measurable skills that impact student growth
  • Demonstrated need
  • Project replication by future educators
  • Enhancement of current curriculum
  • Enrich academic, cultural, athletic, or overall student experience
  • For building wide grant proposals, the application must address the mental health of students



  • Technology, unless used for specific curriculum enhancement contained in the grant
  • Transportation costs
  • Equipment costs
  • Salaries, stipends, student fees, support for outside of school organizations
  • Building proposals must have an indication of the principal’s approval of the project described in the application.



  • Applications available on the Online Grant Portal beginning January 2, 2024 to be submitted no later than 5pm on March 1, 2024
  • Step by step directions and tutorials are provided
  • For building wide applications, in order to avoid confusion, we request that a single person be designated to complete and submit the application
  • As with all applications, a reasonable approximation of your budget expenditures should be included.


Application timeline

2024 Grant Cycle

  • Application available January 2, 2024 – March 1, 2024 at 5:00 pm
  • Project begin date: May 1, 2024, or later.
  • If awarded, funds would be available in May 2024. Notifications will be emailed at the end of April 2024.

Steps to apply:

  • Access the grant portal (bookmark this site).

  • Log on or create an account.

  • On the applicant dashboard, click “Apply” at the top of the page, then go to “Duluth Public Schools Fund” and take the eligibility quiz.

  • See Resources and Community Impact Team contacts below.



General information about the fund:


For questions, please contact:

Kursula Harris, Senior Community Impact Associate