Generous Community: It’s an honor to thank our donors

Generous Community: It’s an honor to thank our donors

My mom used to tell me to write thank you notes. I confess that I wasn’t very responsive.

But one practice I’ve built into my early morning routine at the Duluth Superior Area Community Foundation is writing thank you notes.

We receive donations from around our region and across the country. Donors give generously to support grant work and scholarships for this place we call home and for the young people—and others—working to better themselves through education.

Some donors give monthly, some annually and some on other frequencies. People put us in their estate plans or chose to make gifts while they are able to see the benefits of their generosity.

I am floored by how much people care for their community and their neighbors through their giving.

It’s my privilege to write a thank you note to each person who gives. It takes a little bit of time. My handwriting isn’t going to win any awards. In fact, a friend who donated wondered whether someone could translate my note for her. But I find writing a thank you note transports me to a place of gratitude each time.

I am grateful that people care. I am grateful that people have hope and act on that hope with real and meaningful community engagement. I am grateful that we have the privilege of translating their generosity into action that meets needs across our region.

We help nonprofit grant recipients do meaningful work and live out their missions. We help young people—and older people, too—go to school. We strengthen community. It’s all built on generous giving.

It’s an honor for me to say thank you in return.